Cause and Effect

Hasil gambar untuk cause and effect

Istilah cause and effect atau sebab dan akibat adalah istilah yang sudah anda dengar sejak SD, tapi penggunaanya dapat dipakai hingga dunia kerja. Kalimat yang mengandung unsur sebab-akibat biasanya melibatkan sebuah kegiatan yang membuat sesuatu terjadi, dan akibat dari kegiatan tersebut.
Untuk lebih memahami penggunaan kalimat sebab akibat dalam bahasa inggris, simak penjelasan di bawah:
  • (noun) seseorang atau sesuatu yang membuat sesuatu terjadi.
The cause of the flood was the massive of amount garbage thrown in the river. (Penyebab dari banjir itu adalah banyaknya sampah yang dibuang ke sungai.)
  • (verb) sebuah kegiatan yang membuat sesuatu terjadi.
The massive amount of garbage thrown in the river caused the flood. (Banyaknya sampah yang dibuang ke sungai menyebabkan banjir ini.)
  • (noun) sebuah perubahan yang merupakan hasil dari sebuah kegiatan atau sebab.
The rain had an effect on her mood. (Hujan mempunyai pengaruh pada mood-nya.)
Ketika effect digunakan sebagai verb, kata tersebut berubah menjadi affect.
  • (verb) untuk menghasilkan sebuah efek; menyebabkan terjadinya sesuatu.
The rain affected his mood. (Hujan mempengaruhi mood-nya.)
Hasil gambar untuk rain cause mood

Kalimat Sebab-akibat dalam Bahasa Inggris
Anda biasanya dapat dengan mudah mengidentifikasi kalimat yang mengandung hubungan sebab-akibat bila dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat kata atau frasa seperti:
  • Due to
  • Because of
  • Owing to
  • Thanks to
  • As a consequence of
  • As a result of
  • Because
  • Since
  • As
  • For
  • etc.
Untuk mengekspresikan cause dan effect dalam bahasa inggris, kalimat atau frasa di atas biasanya akan diikuti dengan kata benda (noun) atau kata kerja (verb).
Kalimat sebab-akibat yang diikuti oleh noun
Kata sebab akibat yang diikuti dengan noun atau noun phrase biasanya menggunakan kata atau frasa (signal word/phase) seperti :
  • Because of
  • Thanks to
  • As a result of
  • Due to
  • As a consequence of
  • Owing to
Hasil gambar untuk cause and effect tree
Di contoh berikutnya noun atau noun phrase akan digaris bawahi. Sebab atau cause selalu ditulis setelah frasa sebab-akibat (signal word/phaseseperti contoh di atas. Di bawah ini adalah pola yang biasa digunakan:
Signal word/phrase+Cause+Effect
Effect+Signal word/phrase+Cause

1. Due to Bella’s nervousness, she did not pass the driving test.
Karena kegugupan Bella, dia tidak lulus ujian menyetir.
  • Signal phrase: due to
  • Cause: Bella’s nervousness
  • Effect: She did not pass the driving test
2. He’s always late because of his gaming habits
Dia selalu telat karena kebiasaan bermain game-nya.
  • Signal phrase: Because of
  • Cause: His gaming habits
  • Effect : He’s always late
3. As a result of the rain, we canceled the outing.
Karena hujan, kita membatalkan pikinik itu.
  • Signal phrase: As a result of
  • Cause: the rain
  • Effect : we canceled the outing
4. Dennis could not sing owing to his sore throat
Dennis tidak bisa bernyanyi karena sakit tenggorakanya
  • Signal phrase: owing to
  • Cause: his sore throat
  • Effect : Dennis could not sing
5. She was dismissed as a consequence of her ignorance
Dia diberhentikan karena ketidaktahuanya.
  • Signal phrase: as a consequence of
  • Cause: her ignorance
  • Effect : She was dismissed

Kalimat sebab-akibat yang diikuti oleh verb
Kata sebab akibat yang diikuti dengan subjek + verb atau verb phrase biasanya menggunakan kata atau frasa (signal word/phase) seperti :
  • Because
  • Since
  • As
  • For
Di contoh berikutnya subjek + verb atau verb phrase akan digaris bawahi. Sebab atau cause selalu ditulis setelah frasa sebab-akibat (signal word/phaseseperti contoh di atas. Di bawah ini adalah pola yang biasa digunakan:
Signal word/phrase+Cause+Effect
Effect+Signal word/phrase+Cause
1. Because Bella was nervous, she did not pass the driving test
Karena Bella gugup, dia tidak lulus ujian tes mengemudi.
  • Signal phrase: because
  • Cause: Bella was nervous
  • Effect: She did not pass the driving test
2. He’s always late because he always stay up at night
Dia selalu telat karena dia selalu begadang
  • Signal phrase: Because
  • Cause: he always stay up at night
  • Effect : He’s always late
3. The outing was canceled since it’s raining
Piknik itu dibatalkan karena hujan.
  • Signal phrase: since
  • Cause: it’s raining
  • Effect : the outing was canceled
4. Dennis could not sing for his throat is sore
Dennis tidak bisa bernyanyi karena sakit tenggorakanya
  • Signal phrase: for
  • Cause: his throat is sore
  • Effect : Dennis could not sing
5. She was dismissed as a consequence of her ignorance
Dia diberhentikan karena ketidaktahuanya.
  • Signal phrase: as a consequence of
  • Cause: her ignorance
  • Effect : She was dismisse
Sumber : 

Well, now please read the following text and then do the instruction!

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26 Komentar

  1. Zhafira Islamatasya - XI MIPA 4
    1. The main character didn't need the new school supplies because she loved her backpack from last year with a picture of Topaz, her favorite rock singer.

    2. The main character changed her mind about getting new school supplies because the backpack wasn't in good shape, her markers had escaped from the box, and her lucky pencil was too short to write with anymore.

    3. The dark spot on the backpack due to the cupcake she packed away from the end of the year.

    4. The papers were stuck together in the backpack because of the glue bottle cap was open.

    5. There was a library book inside her backpack because she borrowed and forgot to return it.

  2. Actually, I want to master English, but even now I haven't been able to. Are there any tips for quickly mastering English? please explain. Thanks

    1. Hi, Sir. It's a good intention.
      We as learners can practice four aspects in learning languages, in this case is English. Those are practicing reading, listening, speaking and writing every English topics or issue. Because language is communication. So lets try to communicate English. Don't be shy. Just be confidence. Are you ready to practice, Sir?

      Just say, yes I do ^^

  3. Thank you for the information, Miss.
    The explanation is very clear and understandable.

  4. Darrell Nathaniel Pieter Gees - XI MIPA 4

    1. She thought she could use her old school supplies because she didn’t realize how bad was the current condition of her old school supplies.

    2. The main character changed her mind about buying new school supplies because she saw the current condition of her old school supplies.

    3. The dark spot on the backpack was caused by a cupcake that she packed away in her backpack.

    4. The papers in the backpack were stuck together because of an open glue bottle in the backpack that spilled glue on the papers.

    5. There was a library book inside the backpack because she forgot to return a book that she borrowed from the library.

  5. Melly Marcelia Aziza - XI MIPA 4

    1. Because she loved her backpack from last year and she thought she could still use the school supplies in that bag.

    2. The bag and the supplies inside it are all in a bad condition.

    3. The melted frosting of the cupcake from the end-of-the-year picnic.

    4. Because the glue from an open glue bottle had dried.

    5. Because she forgot to return the book to the library.

  6. Aleisya Asty Trisnalia - XI MIPA 4

    1. Because she loved her backpack because it had a picture of Topaz, her favorite rock singer.
    2. Because the backpack wasn't in a good shape and her school supplies were in bad condition
    3. The dark spot in backpack from the cupcake she packed away from the end of the year picnic
    4. The papers stuck in together in the backpack because the cap of her glue bottle has opened
    5. The library book inside the backpack because she borrowed and forgot to return

  7. Abigiel Pudja Dewi Utomo XI MIPA 4

    1. She thought she could use her old supplies because she loved her backpack that had a picture of her favorite rock singer, Topaz.

    2. She changed her mind about getting new school supplies because she found that none of her old supplies are in a good condition.

    3. The dark spot on the backpack was from the cupcake she packed away from the end of the year picnic

    4. The paper were stuck together because of the glue from an open glue bottle.

    5. The library book was inside the backpack because she forgot to return a book she borrowed from the library.

  8. Arrasya Aninggadhira XI MIPA 4

    1. The main character thought she could use her old school supplies because she loved her old backpack.
    2. The main character changed her mind because the condition of her old school supplies was bad. The backpack wasn’t in good shape, the markers had escaped from the box and the caps were missing, and the pencil is too short to write with anymore.
    3. The dark spot in her backpack was caused by the cupcake she packed away from the end-of-the-year picnic.
    4. The papers in the backpack were stuck together because of an open glue bottle.
    5. There was a library book in her backpack because she forgot to return it.

  9. Savira Zain Laeli -XI MIPA 4

    1. The main character loves her backpack because it had a picture of topaz, her favorite rock singer and her autograph.
    2. Her old school supplies are no longer suitable to be used.
    3. The melted frosting of the cupcake that she packed away for the end-of-the-year picnic.
    4. Because the glue from the opened glue bottle had dried.
    5. Because the main character borrowed the book and forgot to return it to the library.

  10. Jessica Reitanya - XI IPA 4

    1. She thinks that she could use her old school supplies because she loved her old backpack, which has her favorite singer's picture and autograph on it.
    2. She changed her mind because her old school supplies turns out to be in a very bad condition.
    3. The dark spot on the backpack was caused by the melted frosting from her cupcake that she brought home from the end-of-the-year picnic.
    4. The papers in the backpack got stuck together because of glue spillage from a glue bottle that's somehow opened.
    5. There's a library book in her backpack because she borrowed it and forgot to return it back.

  11. Ahmad Fathi Rafif XI MIPA 4

    1. The main character thinks she didn't need new school supplies because, she thinks her favourite bag, from last year was still good, but in the reality the bag is in the bad condition.
    2. The main character changed her mind to getting new school supplies, because she already realize that her favourite bag wasn't in good shape, and not in the good condition anymore.
    3. The dark spot on the backpack was caused from the cupcake that she packed away from the end of the year picnic.
    4. The papers were stuck together in the backpack caused by an open glue bottle.
    5. There was a library book inside the backpack because the main character borrowed the book from the library and forgot to return it

  12. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  13. Prita Nisrina XI MIPA 4

    1.The main character thought she could use her old school supplies due to she loved her backpack from last year,it had a picture and autograph of her favorite singer
    2.When she pulled out her backpack she realized how dirty it was and also the school supplies wasn't in good condition anymore
    3.The dark spot on her backpack because of cupcake that she packed away from the end of the year picnic
    4.The papers were stuck together in the backpack due to an open glue bottle
    5.There was a library book inside her backack because she forgot to return it to the library

  14. Zahir Irsyad F. XI MIPA 4
    1. Because she loved her old backpack that had a picture of Topaz, her favorite rock singer.
    2. The main character changed her mind because of the condition her old school supplies are no longer compatible to be used
    3. The melted frosting of the cupcake that she packed away for the end of the year
    4. The papers were stuck together in the backpack because of the glue from an open glue bottle
    5. Because she borrowed the book from the library and forgot to return it

  15. Anastasia Raiza A. L. - XI MIPA 4

    1. She thought she didn't need a new school supplies because she loved her old backpack, and it had a picture of Topaz, her favorite rock singer.
    2. The main character changed her mind about getting her new school supplies, because she realized that her backpack was already in a bad condition.
    3. The darkspot was caused from the cupcake, that she packed away from the end-of-the-year picnic.
    4. The papers were stuck together in the backpack caused from an open glue bottle that the cap is gone.
    5. There was a library book inside the backpack, because she borrowed the book and forgot to return the book back.

  16. Ayesha zia Qudsia - XI MIPA 4
    1. she thought she didn’t need a new school supplies because she loved her backapack from last year because it had a picture of Topaz and her autograph.
    2. when the main character pulled out the backpack from the closet, it was dirty and was in a bad condition
    3. the spot was caused from the cupcake she packed for the end-of-the-year picnic
    4. because there was an open glue bottle that is missing the cap
    5. the main character borrowed the book and forget to return it

  17. Michael - XI MIPA 4
    1. Because she loved her old backpack and thought she can reuse her backpack from last year with a picture of her favorite rock singer.
    2. She changed her mind because her old backpack wasnt in good shape, her markers had escaped from the box with the caps missing, and her lucky pencil was too short to write with anymore.
    3. The dark spot on the backpack was caused by a cupcake that she packed away in her backpack.
    4. The papers were stuck together because of an open glue bottle that spilled on them.
    5. The library book was there because she forgot to return it.

  18. Christofer Ardin Purnomo - XI MIPA 4
    1. She thought she didn't need a new school supplies because she loved her old backpack which has her favorite rock singer photo and autograph on it.
    2. She changed her mind because she realized that her old backpack was in a really bad condition
    3. The dark spot on the backpack was caused by the cupcake that she packed for the end of the year picnic
    4. The papers were stuck together because of the glue bottle cap was open
    5. The library book was there because she borrowed it and forgot to return it

  19. Mohamad Naufal - XI MIPA 4
    1. She thought she could use her old school supplies because she loved her old backpack which had a picture of Topaz.
    2. She changed her mind due to the fact that her bag was out of shape, and the school supplies inside are unusable, some were dirty, and some were just worn out of use.
    3. The dark spot is there thanks to the cupcake that she packed from the end of the year picnic.
    4. the papers were stuck as a result of a glue bottle which had its cap missing.
    5. it was there because she forgot to return it to the library

  20. I made krisna - XI MIPA 4
    1) The main character though she could use her old school supplies because she loved her old backpack which had a picture with an autograph of topaz (her favorite rock singer).
    2) The main character change her mind about getting new supplies because when she checked her old backpack it wasn't in a good condition and the school supplies in it wasn't suitable to be used.
    3) The dark spot on the backpack was caused by the melted cupcake she packed away from the end-of-the-year picnic.
    4) The papers were stuck together in the backpack because of an open glue bottle that spilled.
    5) The library book was inside the backpack because she borrowed it and forget to return it.

  21. Puteri Maharani - xi mipa 4
    1. She loved her backpack from last year bacause it had a picture of her favorite rock singer
    2. Because she realizes that her old school supplies is already in bad condition
    3. It was caused by a cupcake she packed away from the end of the year picnic
    4. Because of the glue from an open glue bottle
    5. She borrowed the book from library and forgot to return it
