Cause and Effect(Topics)

Hasil gambar untuk cause and effect

After we learn about how and why something happens and also the result click here to read,  and then now we're going to continue the next activity.

First thing first, you need to watch this video to review your prior knowledge.

Second, you will read the following topics, and then choose 5 as your topics.
Third, write your topics in the comments.

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37 Komentar

  1. 1. Causes And Effects Of Hair Loss
    2. What Causes Mental Breakdowns Amongst Students?
    3. Effect Of Abortion On Human Health
    4. What Causes Cancer And What Are Its Effects?
    5. What Causes HIV And How Is It Spread?

    Zhafira Islamatasya - XI MIPA 4

  2. Darrell Nathaniel Pieter Gees - XI MIPA 4

    1. Causes And Effects Of Peer Pressure
    2. The Causes And Effects Of Racial Discrimination
    3. What Are The Effects Of Low Job Morale?
    4. The Effects Of Texting While Driving
    5. The Effects Of Loud Music On Hearing

  3. Melly Marcelia Aziza - XI MIPA 4

    1. Effects Of High Blood Pressure On Human Health
    2. What Causes Lack Of Sleep And What Are The Effects?
    3. Causes And Effects Of Low Self-Esteem On Character Development
    4. What Causes Childhood Delinquency?
    5. The Cause Of Unemployment And Effects On The Economy

  4. Jessica Reitanya -XI IPA 4

    - What caused the Jewish Holocaust?
    -The causes of emotional instability and effects on individuals
    -The effect of social networks on real life interactions
    -The causes of insomnia and its health effects
    -What is the cause of childhood obesity? What are the effects?

  5. Savira Zain Laeli - XI MIPA 4

    1. The Impact Of Stress On Health
    2. Causes And Effects Of Corruption In Society
    3. What Causes Students To Work While Still Studying?
    4. What Causes High School Dropouts And What Are The Effects?
    5. What Causes Smoking Addiction?

  6. Aleisya Asty Trisnalia- XI MIPA 4

    -Causes And Effects Of Alcoholism
    -The Effects Of Video Game Addiction On Children And Adults
    -The Effect Of Technology On Education
    -The Environmental Effects Of Deforestation
    -What Has Caused The Increase In The Use Of Social Media Among Teenagers?

  7. Abigiel Pudja Dewi Utomo XI MIPA 4

    - Causes and effects of Alcoholism
    - What causes mental breakdowns amongst student ?
    - What causes childhood delinquency ?
    - Causes and effects of Sibling Rivalry
    - Causes and effects of Teenage Rebellion

  8. Arrasya Aninggadhira XI MIPA 4
    1. The Impact Of Stress On Health.
    2. What Is The Effect Of Discrimination Of Women On Societal Progress?
    3. What Could Be The Cause Of Global Warming And What Are The Effects On The Environment?
    4. What Causes Mental Breakdowns Amongst Students?
    5. The Effect Of Technology On Education.

  9. Zahir Irsyad F. XI MIPA 4
    - The Effects Of Unemployment On Families
    - The Effects Of Globalization
    - The Causes Of Effects Of Racism
    - The Social Effects Of HIV
    - Causes Of Market Failure

  10. Ahmad Fathi Rafif I XI MIPA 4
    - What Causes HIV And How is it Spread?
    - The Effects of Texting While Driving.
    - What Causes Smoking Addiction?
    - What Effect Does Divorce Have on Families?
    -The Impact Of Stress On Health.

  11. Anastasia Raiza A. L. - XI MIPA 4
    1. Effect Of Abortion On Human Health
    2. The Impact Of Stress On Health
    3. The Causes Of Insomnia And The Health Effects
    4. The Effects Of Globalization
    5. What Are The Effects Of Cyber Bullying?

  12. Prita Nisina XI MIPA 4

    1.The causes and effects of crime in society
    2.What causes students to cheat in exams and what are the effects on their educational development
    3.The causes and effects of racism
    4.Causes and effects of sibling rivalry
    5.What effect does divorce have on families?

  13. Ayesha Zia Qudsia XI MIPA 4

    1. What Are The Effects Of Cyber Bullying?
    2. The Impact Of Stress On Health.
    3. the causes and effects of racism
    4. Effect Of Abortion On Human Health
    5.the effects of globalization

  14. Michael - XI MIPA 4
    1. Causes and Effects of Peer Peer Pressure.
    2. The Cause and Effects of Blindness.
    3. What Causes Childhood Delinquency?
    4. Causes and Effects of Teenage Rebellion
    5. The Causes and Effects of illegal Migration on Countries

  15. Syarifatul Fatimah - XI MIPA 4

    1. What Are The Effects Of Cyber Bullying?
    2. What Effect Does Divorce Have On Families?
    3. The Impact Of Stress On Health?
    4. The Causes Of Effects Of Racism?
    5. What Causes HIV and How Is Is Spread?

  16. Arzety Aulia R XI mipa 4

    1. The effect of technology on education
    2. What causes smoking addiction?
    3. The effects of texting while driving
    4. What causes mental breakdowns amongst student?
    5. The effect that technology has on human healthy

  17. 1.The effects of doping in sports
    2. The effects of texting while driving
    3. Causes and effects of alcoholism
    4. Causes of market failure
    5. What causes students to work while still studying?

  18. Mohamad Naufal - XI MIPA 4
    1. What Effect Does Divorce Have on Families?
    2. What Causes individuals to Avoid Commitment in Relationships?
    3. Effect of Abortion on Human Health
    4. The Causes of Infertility in Women
    5. The Causes of Impotence Among Men

  19. I made krisna - XI MIPA 4
    1) what causes countries to engage wars
    2) the enviromental effect of deforestation
    3) the causes of effects of racism
    4) the effects of video game addiction on children and adult
    5) the causes and effects of crimes in society

  20. Puteri Maharani -xi mipa 4
    1. What effects does divorce have on families?
    2. The effects of texting while driving
    3. What causes individuals to avoid commitment in relationship?
    4. Causes and effects of alcoholism
    5. What causes mental breakdowns amongst students?

  21. Khairana Aisha Bachtiar - XI MIPA 4

    1.What Causes Mental Breakdowns Amongst Students?
    2.The Effects of Video Game Addiction on Children and Adult
    3.The Social Effects of HIV
    4.The Effect Of E-Commerce In Business Transactions
    5.Causes And Effects Of Corruption In Society
