Past Continuous Tense vs Past Tense


Format kalimat untuk mengutarakan sesuatu dalam simple past tense adalah:
Simple Past TenseContoh
Kalimat Positif
Subject Simple past verbI wore the party dress last night
She arrived at work on 7.30 AM.
He ate fried rice for breakfast
We had dinner at restaurant
The phone rang around midnight
Subject Did Verb
(pernyataan afirmatif/penekanan)
I did tell you what happened
Mom did attend the seminar
Chris Columbus did land on America
Kalimat Negatif
Subject Did not VerbI did not enjoy the party
She did not drink the medicine
We did not attend the graduation party
It did not fit the whole

Format kalimat untuk mengutarakan sesuatu dalam past continuous tense adalah:
Past Continuous TenseContoh
Kalimat Positif
• Subject Was/Were Verb (ing)
• I/She/He/It + Was + Verb (ing)
• You/They/We + Were + Verb (ing)
I was sleeping at noon yesterday
She was cooking when I came
We were arguing when she entered the room
Kalimat Negatif
• Subject Was/Were not Verb (ing)
• I/She/He/It + Was not + Verb (ing)
• You/They/We + Were + Not + Verb (ing)
The baby was not crying when she heard the scream
I was not looking when I tripped
I am not talking to her
Kalimat Pertanyaan
• Was/Were Subject Verb (ing) + ?
• Was + I/She/He/It + Verb (ing) + ?
• Were + You/They/We + Verb (ing) + ?
Was she sleeping last night when I texted her?
Was I doing my homework when dad came home?
Were you taking a pee while you were calling me?
Jawaban dapat berupa: Yes, I was atau No, I was not.
*Keterangan waktu berupa when berarti “ketika”, sedangkan while berarti “selama”.**Pada suatu kalimat, past continuous tense dapat digunakan untuk mengutarakan dua aktivitas yang berprogres pada waktu bersamaan di masa lalu. Seperti: While I was writing my essay, my little brother was playing in my room.
**Was not dan were not dapat disingkat menjadi wasn’t dan weren’t.

Gabungan antara Past Continuous Tense dan Past Tense

Do you know the differences?

Alif        : Why did you not answer my calls?
Ba     : Oh, I'm so sorry. I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom when you called

Write your answers in the comment^^

Click this link to know more

After click the link above. Search the video in YouTube to help you more understand.

Thanks for visiting me today ^^. 

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